Would You Change Your Life Style Rather Than Die

Would you believe that your life style could cause you to get cancer? Eighteen years ago, before I got cancer, I believed what modern medicine said about how you get cancer. At that time they said it was genetic, that your ancestors passed down the disease to you. I believed what they said, they were the scientists with all the answers. Then I got cancer of the prostate and sure enough it runs on the men's side of my family. Luckily I made a very wise decision. I decided to use Thompsonian Naturopathic Medicine to cure my cancer. That meant that I was not going to use modern medicine, I was going to use natural healing techniques only. The naturopathic doctor I worked with said that "yes I had a genetic predisposition to get prostate cancer." Than he gave me a thumbnail sketch of how cancer gets started. We all have genetic weaknesses some weaker than others. Visualize the organs of your body like a chain. Then see that chain pulled by your life style. If your life style is poor enough you will find the weakest link, and the others will also be affected. Well I discovered that mine were weaknesses in my prostate, lungs, low back, right hip, right knee and liver. Those are my main weak genetic links. When I look back at those years before I contracted the cancer, those were the areas where I was suffering. My lungs were always giving me problems, I had low back pain constantly, my right hip and knee were a problem, and I had a lot of severe pain between the shoulder blades (a symptom of gall bladder, liver problems). The naturopath told me that if I changed my life style enough, these problems would disappear along with the cancer. I still had a hard time believing that my life style had anything to do with the cancer. Here is why. I lived the typical American life style. I was moderate in my habits. I never did anything in excess. I did eat white bread; used sugar moderately, drank coffee once a day, and ate some meat. I ate what I thought were many fruits and vegetables and I took vitamin supplements. I ate fast food maybe once or twice a week. I was in very good physical shape. At that time, I held a second-degree black belt in karate and I practiced daily. I was on no medications and I had never suffered from a major disease. Actually, I believe I was above average in my health habits. Never the less, I trusted the naturopath and so I decided to do exactly what he said would cure the cancer. This doctor then told me what I must do, "you must stop doing everything you are doing with your diet and lifestyle and do just the opposite". So I stopped eating meat and ate vegetables, stopped eating refined white bread and ate 100 percent whole wheat, I stopped eating white rice and ate brown etc. I did something I had never done; I started cleansing and detoxing and when I did I stopped eating solid food and I juice fasted with herbs. I extended this to other areas of my life. I looked at my whole life and began to go in the opposite direction. I stopped working for money and started working at a career I loved, to earn a living. I avoided or broke off relationships with negative people and situations. I established a direct relationship with God.